


来源: 发布时间:2020-10-29 点击数:


(Q. Edward Wang) 





美国罗文大学(Rowan University)历史系教授(2001-现在;2006年起获《高级教授》级别)







美国雪城大学 (Syracuse University) 博士Ph.D.(1992年7月)





《Chinese Studies in History 》(A&HCI杂志,主编)



《Storia della Storiografia 》编委

《The Cambridge World History 》(七卷本)编委

《The Frontier of History in China 》编委








美国罗文大学人文社会科学学院资深教授研究奖 (Senior Research Award) (2018)

美国罗文大学校级研究成就奖(Faculty Research Achievement Award)(2013)

美国普林斯顿高等研究院 fellowship(2010)

台湾国家图书馆汉学研究中心 fellowship (1998;2006)


美国蒋经国国际学术交流基金会 fellowship (2002-2005)

德国 DAAD fellowship (1996)





















Historiography: Critical Readings (London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020) ,4 vols. (史学史要藉选读,主编)

 Chopsticks: A Cultural and Culinary History (Cambridge University Press, 2015) (独著). 

A Global History of Modern Historiography (London: Longman/Pearson, 2008,2017)(合著;第二作者). 

Mirroring the Past: The Writing and Use of History in Imperial China (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2005)(合著;第二作者).

 Inventing China through History: The May Fourth Approach to Historiography (Albany NY: State University of New York Press, 2001)(独著).

 Marxist Historiographies: A Global Perspective (London: Routledge, 2015).(论文集-第一主编)

 The Many Faces of Clio: Cross-Cultural Approaches to Historiography (New York & Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2007).(论文集-第一主编) 

Turning Points in Historiography: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2002; paperback, 2006).(论文集-第一主编)


















《西方史学如何完成其近代转型?四个方面的考察》,《北京大学学报 (哲学社会科学版)》2016年第4期。



《中国史学的西‘体’中用——新式历史教科书和中国近代历史观之改变》,载《北京大学学报 (哲学社会科学版)》2014年1期。


《为何美国的中国史研究新潮迭出?——再析中外学术兴趣之异同》,载《北京大学学报 (哲学社会科学版)》2012年2期。








《科学史学乎? 科学古学乎?——傅斯年‘史学便是史料学’之思想渊源新探》,载《史学史研究》2007年4期。



《中国文明有历史吗——中国史研究在西方的缘起、变化及新潮》, 载《清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2006年1期。



《论民族主义史学的兴起与缺失(上)——从全球比较史学的角度考察》, 载《河北学刊》2004年4期。











《现代德国史学的发展和演变:以比勒菲尔德 (Bielefeld) 学派为例》,载《台湾大学历史学报》,第21期(1997)。


《美国的中国学研究评述》,  载《历史研究》1993年6期。


《近代德国的历史思想和实践》,  载《世界历史》1990年6期。

《历史学的发展需要历史哲学》, 载《世界历史》1986年8期。




《Toward A Multidirectional Future of Historiography: Globality, Interdisciplinarity, and Posthumanity》, History and Theory, 59:2 (June 2020), 283-302.

《Why Can’t Oral Testimonies Be Historical Facts? The Study of ‘Comfort Women’ and Its Challenge to Modern Historiography》, Storia della Storiografia, 76:2 (2019), 83-102.

《World History on a Par with Chinese History? China’s Search for World Power in Three Stages》, Global Intellectual History (published online in March 2020, 10.1080/23801883.2020.1738658; issue number not yet assigned. This article is in a special issue in the journal I edited with an introduction “Worldviews in Twentieth-Century China”).

《The Chinese Historiography of the May Fourth Movement, 1990s to the Present》, Twentieth-Century China, 44:2 (May 2019), 138-149.

《How Do We Globalize the Study of Historiography? Reflections on the Legacy of Georg G. Iggers (1926-2017)》, Storia della Storiografia, 73:1 (2018), 17-32.

《Traumatizing History: The Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall and the Shaping of Historical Memory in Contemporary China》, Storia della Storiografia [History of Historiography], 58 (2010), 116-131.

《Remembering the Past; Reconciling for the Future: A Critical Analysis of the China-Japan Joint History Research Project (2006-2010)》, The Chinese Historical Review, 17:2 (Fall 2010), 219-237.

《‘Rise of the Great Powers’=Rise of China? Challenges of the Advancement of Global History in the People’s Republic of China》, Journal of Contemporary China, 19:64 (March 2010), 273-289.

《Globalization, Global History and Local Identity in ‘Greater China’》, The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 8-4-09, February 17, 2009 (http://www.japanfocus.org/-Q__Edward-Wang/3055).

《Beyond East and West: Antiquarianism, Evidential Learning and Global Trends in Historical Study》, Journal of World History, 19:4 (Dec. 2008), 489-519.

《Itō Jinsai and the Cross-cultural Development of Neo-Confucianism: The Ancient Meaning School (Kogigaku ha) and the Rise of Restorationism》, Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies, 5:2 (Dec. 2008), 87-127.

《Is There A Chinese Mode of Historical Thinking? A Cross-Cultural Analysis》, History and Theory, 46:2 (May 2007), 201-209.

《Adoption, Appropriation and Adaptation: the German Nexus in the East Asian Project on Modern Historiography》,Berliner China-Hefte, # 26 (May 2004), 3-20.

《The Rise of Modern Historical Consciousness: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Eighteenth-Century East Asia and Europe》,Journal of Ecumenical Studies, XL:1-2 (Winter-Spring 2003), 74-95.

《Encountering the World: China and Its Other(s) in Historical Narratives, 1949-89》,Journal of World History, 14:3 (September 2003), 327-358.

《Taiwan’s Search for National History: A Trend in Historiography》,East Asian History, 24 (December 2002), 93-116.

《Time, History, and Dao: Zhang Xuecheng and Martin Heidegger》,Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, 1:2 (Summer 2002), 251-276.

"Between Marxism and Nationalism: Chinese Historiography and the Soviet Influence, 1949-1963," Journal of Contemporary China, 9:23 (2000), 95-111.

"History, Space and Ethnicity: The Chinese Worldview," Journal of World History, 10:2 (Sept. 1999), 285-305.

《World History in Traditional China》,Storia della Storiografia [History of Historiography], 35 (1999), 83-96.

"Images, Perceptions, and Foreign Policy: New Directions in the Study of Sino-American Relations," Journal of Contemporary China, 6:15 (1997), 389-402.

"Modernity inside Tradition: The Transformation of Historical Consciousness in Modern China," Indiana East Asian Working Paper Series on Language and Politics in Modern China, 10 (Winter 1996), 58-83.

"Interpreting the Chinese Revolution: Chinese and American Scholarship on Chinese Peasant Rebellions," Asian Thought and Society, 20:60 (Sept. - Dec. 1995), 221-240.

"Time Perception in Ancient Chinese Historiography," Storia della Storiografia [History of Historiography], 28 (1995), 69-86.

"Guests from the Open Door: The Reception of Chinese Students into the US, 1900s-1920s," The Journal of American-East Asian Relations, 3:1 (Spring 1994), 55-76.

"History in Late Imperial China," Storia della Storiografia [History of Historiography], 22 (1992), 3-22.

"Western Historiography in the People's Republic of China (1949-to the present)," Storia della Storiografia [History of Historiography], 19 (1991), 23-46.


《Chinese Revolutions and the Ebb and Flow of Revolutionary Historiography》, Routledge Handbook of Revolutionary China, ed. Alan Baumler (London: Routledge, 2020), 318-352.

《Interpretative and Investigative: The Emergence and Characteristics of Modern Scholarly Personae in China, 1900-1930》,How to Be a Historian: Scholarly Personae in Historical Studies, 1800-2000, ed. Herman Paul (Manchester: University of Manchester Press, 2019), 107-129.

《Re-Presenting Asia on the Global Stage: The Rise of Global History Studies in East Asia》,Global History, Globally: Research and Practice around the World, eds. Sven Beckert & Dominic Sachsenmaier (London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018), 45-66.

《Confucius in the May Fourth Era》,A Concise Companion to Confucius, ed. Paul Goldin (Malden MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2017), 330-351.

《The Great Divergence in Historiography—Reflections on Chinese and Western Historiographical Developments》,Chinese Historical Thinking: An Intercultural Discussion (Taipei: V & R unipress and Taiwan University Press, 2015), 171-182.

《Narrating the Nation: Meiji Historiography, New History Textbooks, and the Disciplinarization of History in China》,The Disciplinarization of History in Modern China, eds. Brian Moloughney & Peter Zarrow (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2011), 103-132.

《Victor or Villain? The Varying Images of Zhu Yuanzhang in 20th Century Chinese Historiography》,Long Live the Emperor! Uses of the Ming Founder across Six Centuries of East Asian History, ed. Sarah Schneewind (Minneapolis: Society for Ming Studies, 2008), 391-412.

《Between Myth and History: The Construction of A National Past in Modern East Asia》,Writing the Nation: A Global Perspective, ed. Stefan Berger (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), 126-154.

《Cross-Cultural Developments of Modern Historiography: Examples from East Asia, the Middle East, and India》,The Many Faces of Clio: Cross-Cultural Approaches to Historiography, eds. Q. Edward Wang and Franz L. Fillafer (New York & Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2007), 187-209.

《Time, History, and Dao: Zhang Xuecheng and Martin Heidegger》,Notions of Time in Chinese Historical Thinking, eds. Chun-chieh Huang and John B. Henderson (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2006), 131-156.

《Toward a Humanist Interpretation of Tradition: The Hermeneutics of the 'Critical Review Group'》,Interpretation and Intellectual Change: Chinese Hermeneutics in Historical Perspective, ed. Ching-i Tu (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2005), 257-277.

《China’s Search for National History》,Turning Points in Historiography: A Cross-Cultural Comparison, eds. Q. Edward Wang and Georg Iggers (Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2002), 185-208.

《German Historicism and Scientific History in China, 1900-1940》,Across Cultural Borders: Historiography in Global Perspective, eds. Eckhardt Fuchs and Benedikt Stuchtey (Lanham MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002), 141-162.

《Historical Writings in 20th Century China: Methodological Innovation and Ideological Influence》,An Assessment of 20th Century Historiography, ed. Rolf Torstendahl (Stockholm: The Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, 2000), 43-69.

《Objectivity, Truth, and Hermeneutics: Re-reading the Chunqiu》,Classics and Interpretations: The Hermeneutic Tradition in Chinese Culture, ed. Ching-i Tu (New Brunswick NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2000), 155-172.


《The May Fourth Movement》,Oxford Bibliographies Online: Chinese Studies.

《Dual Discovery, Dual Dialogue: Reflections on the Global Modernization of Historical Writing》,Historically Speaking: The Bulletin of the Historical Society, X:4 (Sept. 2009), 27-28.

《Discovering History in Another China: CHUS and the Cultural Exchange across the Taiwan Strait》,Chinese Historical Review, 15:1 (Spring 2008), 107-117.

Four entries in Encyclopedia of Modern China (Farmington Hills, MI: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2009).

《Beyond East and West: A Critical Comment on the Development of Modern Chinese Historiography》,Storia della Storiografia [History of Historiography], 47 (2005), 49-55.

Four entries in A New Dictionary of the History of Ideas (New York: Simon & Shuster, 2004).

Eleven entries in A Global Encyclopedia of Historical Writing, ed. Daniel Woolf (New York: Garland Publishing Co., 1998).



University of Hawai’i Press

State University of New York Press


Chinese University of Hong Kong Press

Oxford University Press

Cambridge University Press




Modern China

Journal of the History of Ideas

Storia della Storiografia

International Trade Journal

Nation and Nationalism

Journal of the Philosophy of History




New York University

Duke University

Brandeis University

Indiana University (Northwest)

Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton






American Historical Review; History and Theory, Asian Thought and Society; China Review International; Chinese Historical Review; Comparative Literature Studies; English Historical Review; Journal of Asian Studies; Journal of British Studies; Journal of Chinese Philosophy; Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies; Journal of Third World Studies; Rezensiert für geschichte. transnational und H-Soz-u-Kult; Storia della Storiografia, The Historian.















